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GST - Representation to State GST Authority on CA Day by CA Association Ahmedabad 01 July , 2021

On 1st July 2021, the President CA Monish Shah, Vice President CA Sarju Mehta along with the representation committee of Indirect Taxes Chairman CA Bishan Shah , Convener CA Punit Prajapati , Member CA Priyam Shah, from CAAA met the Chief Commissioner, Special Commissioner and Additional Commissioner. 
A representation was done on the issues faced by the Members. An hour long discussion was held with the Commissioner who took note of the issues and ensured resolution to all the issues. Those related to practical issues were taken up and specific instructions were passed on to the Necessary Officials. There have been certain matters where the Commissioner Sirs requested for further data and cases. A separate mail with regards to such errors if any will be raised. Members may send more issues if any so that we can make efficient representation on issues faced by Members at large. 
Our endeavor for smoothening of the road of GST and compliance was appreciated. We are also ensured for meetings at regular intervals to ensure that compliance increases and the issues reduce.
Copy of the representation is attached herewith for your kind perusal. The representation was made by inputs received from all the members of the Indirect Taxes Representation Committee.

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